Tricia Smith

MoneyBug Buys Houses

Advertising, Digital Marketing, Direct Mail Marketing, Email Design, Email Marketing, Interaction Design, Marketing Material, Outdoor Marketing, Social Media Marketing

MoneyBug Buys Houses aims to serve homeowners who want an easy, hassle-free solution to sell their house fast, and as straightforward as possible. MoneyBug Buys Houses in any condition, so homeowners can forgo spending time and hard earned money on costly repairs before they sell their home.

MoneyBug Buys Houses Google Adsense Ads

MoneyBug Buys Houses Google Adsense Ads

Facebook (Page Like) Ads

Facebook (Page Like) Ads

Facebook (Web Conversion) Ads

Facebook (Web Conversion) Ads

Airpush Mobile Ads

Airpush Mobile Ads

MailChimp Email Blasts

MailChimp Email Blasts

Project Collaborator:
Haley Moran, Copywriter.

Direct Mail Postcards

Direct Mail Postcards

Door Hangers

Door Hangers

MoneyBug Buys Houses: Bus Advertising Campaign

MoneyBug Buys Houses: Bus Advertising Campaign

MoneyBug Buys Houses launched a bus advertising campaign in Fort Worth, TX to increase brand awareness in the DFW metroplex.

MoneyBug Buys Houses Instant Cash Offer Meter

MoneyBug Buys Houses Instant Cash Offer Meter

Designed for it's ease of use and clarity. Homeowners, if anything, should only be unsure of the condition of their home. If that's the case, there is a quiz available to help rank their house's condition.